Monday, September 7, 2009

I've been told that my last post had a few grammatical errors so I will be sure to proofread more carefully (thanks mom). It's Monday, which means I've been staying with my host family for 3 nights. Everything has been going very well, our family is very friendly, welcoming us to their home very graciously. My counterpart, Hendri, and I have have been shown a good portion of the town and some of the surrounding area. We aren't in Antigonish proper, but out in Bayfield about 20 min away.
I've discovered that I'm not exactly cut off like most people in our group. My brother will be in the immediate area, just down the street and I have a couple friends in the town and family not far from here. I can tell a few people, especially among the Indonesians, are feeling pretty homesick. I'm doing pretty well so far, but I'm expecting any feeling of displacement will dissipate as we get on a real schedule.
We've been introduced to our work placement. We'll be working on an organic farm, fairly small, just 6 medium gardens and an apple orchard. No one seems to be sure what we'll be doing, but the owners are very nice, gave us their own small tour and offered to drive us around when we need it.
Tomorrow we start our activities, not really sure what we'll be doing, but it'll nice to be back together as a group. We've bonded quite well in our short time together, I missed them when we first got to Antigonish. We all went to the Expo on sunday, which was basically a big country fair. It was funny, apparently Indonesian horses our very small, so when I showed Hendri the clydesdales, he was very impressed. Also, didn't know muslims can't touch dogs, which must be weird for them in Canada where most people have them as pets. Both our host family and our work placement have very big dogs which I love, but may be somethng we have to work out.
Till next time.

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