Friday, September 25, 2009

It's been a good second week of work. This week went by fast. On monday we were back to weeding and hoeing, which isn't as much fun as it sounds. tuesday we had our first EAD (educational activity day). The topic was health, and we had a person from the local womens shelter come and talk about sexual health, and dangers. It was mostly about possible rape, so some people felt uncomfortable and others were very involved in the discussion. Afterwards, we went outside for some dance lessons. We are trying to learn a few on the Indonesian dances that they all know. Each province has it's own unique form of cultural dance, and all the Indonesians were briefed on them before coming. S far we aren't doing to badly and some of the results have made it to facebook. We played sports for most of the afternoon, which is always a good way to end.
An important part of that day was that the ban on alcohol was dissolved. There are rules of course, but it was basically what we wanted from the beginning, like asking the counterpart, and don't go overboard. Most people live out of town anyway so it was never a worry. We had a celebratory drink on Tues., but it took a long time for everyone to get organized at one place. It seems to be the curse of our group to never agree on one thing and meet at a specific time. By the time everyone was settled and drinks were ordered, people had to go. We are trying to have a more organized time tonight.
Wed. we harvested some stuff, probably going to be doing that a lot more soon. We are protected from the frost because we are right next to the ocean, but winter is coming. We had yesterday off to make a presentation for the schools as part of our work placement. Didn't do much so now its a weekend project.
This weekend my host family, who are very involved with the local acting crowd, are involved with a dinner theatre on Sat. and Sun. night. Hendri and I are going with them and helping with wardrobe etc. Should be fun, but very long.
I've been cooking a lot, invented a few new recipes. Apples and chicken go together, and turnips are edible with apples pie spices.
the more you know

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