Thursday, November 5, 2009

So, as some of you know, I've been sick for about a week now. I'm better, or getting there. Still in a bit of a fog, and tired, but I don't have a fever or chills, and my throat doesn't hurt any more. Hopefully I can get back to running regulrarly again after Saturday. Until then, I have to hope that my immune system will keep up the good work. Some days I've felt fine but others, not so much.
Over the weekend we had a Halloween party. I spent a good part of the day cooking. It was a beautiful day, warm and sunny. We weren't sure if the part was going to be cancelled or not due to H1N1 but I figured if it didn't go to the potluck it would be eaten here. I made a really nice spice bread, beef dumplings (which are harder to make than I thought), and spaghetti. Good hearty food for harvest. We found out the party was on, and after a rush to get costumes together at the last minute we were on our way.
Now, it's important to preface the party by saying that this was many of the Indonesians first encounter with Halloween. hendri was very excited by the idea to dress up, and, using some random bits and pieces from Maria and Kens "halloween costume bag", he formed a ghoulish cosutme that looked store bought. I coped out, and went as a vampire. Simple, and easy to put together, though I probably matched dozens of people in town. Luckily our group was a bit more imaginative, and there were no copies. Most costumes showed a bit of effort, or at least, signifisanct ingenuity. The evening was a blast, all the effort and energy that children normally build up for the holiday, in semi-adult bodies. Many pictures were taken, and we grabbed a quick dinner. Then, as the Antigonish curfew closed in, it was decided that trick or treating should be taken advantage of. So, the Canadians decided to take the Indonesians around the block. Pretty incredible, and hilarious. As a group, they would chrage a house, running across the yard, yelling random things, and acting scary. Then, as they gathered in front of the door to yell "trick or treat" (the occupant either amused or worried), they would start singing Indonesian songs (pretty common for our group) and a Canadian would explain who we were as candy was dolled out.
We finished the evening with sorting and sharing candy, after a surprisingly succesful venture, and played a gmae called werewolves. We were allowed to bring alcohol to the party, so there were a couple bottles of wine finished off. It was a pretty great evening.
The morning after, however, the illness returned and many people were once again out for the count. I was feverish and in solitude for most of the day. Which was unfortunate not only for my own comfort, but this was the day Marias family, some of whom were visiting from Holland, were coming for dinner here. Close to 30 people in total, and even though I had promised earlier to help cook, and it would be nice to meet more people of the family, I was in hiding, and rather miserable for it. It would also hae been a prime opportunity to sell tickets for our show.
Either way, I'm better now, and starting tomorrow morning, we start work and don't stop cooking, singing or dancing until 8, Saturday. I'm excited for the show, sad I won't be doing swing, but we just didn't have time to learn it with both of us feeling ill this last week. But there is still plenty to do, and learn. Other people in the group have taken the brunt of the labour for a couple reasons. I wanted to do more, but given my position in the community and the low frequency I go into town and see the others, I don't have many opportunities to help out. Still, I imagine everyone will be needed tomorrow. Should be fun.

1 comment:

  1. I will print this off and send it to Dad. I want to see how this works.

    Love. Mom
