Friday, October 30, 2009

There is an exceptional, warm feeling to be had when finding out the book you've been waiting for has come into print and is 40% off. The newest of a series I've been following for the better part of the decade is now my weekend project, which has made this day so much better. For those who have been following this H1N1 thing, Antigonish has been one of the hardest hit areas in Canada. Go figure. A few of our group have contracted the disease and are feeling "fluish". I still don't unerstand the hype. According to one of our members more people die from toaster related incidents, I kinda want to see those studies. Meeting today, about half of us were in quarantine, and a couple of us have just left, myself among them. I am pretty sure this was just a bad head cold, otherwise this has been blow way out of proportion, but I was still unhappy for a couple days trying to gain some body and mental stability. But the foggy veil has lifted, I'm not chilled, and I'm getting better at not dropping my swing partner, though she may now be infected, sorry about that.
Swing may be dropped from this shows set list as we are still working on choreography and we have less than a week to learn. The individual moves we can do, but putting them in a sequence that will shock and amaze is proving more difficult than I'd anticipated. But we both want to learn so when we get to Indonesia, we can pass it off as "traditional canadian dance". It was invented in N. America, so it's close.
On wed. Hendri and I finally did our presentations on our homes. His had more media than mine, taken from a tourist advertisment and covered all of Indonesia whereas mine is a little more scoially focused, going into Native concerns and global warming. The classes seemed to like them both, although my first presentation was to a gr. 11 class that was not into the whole school idea and I got a lot of blank faces. The gr. 5's just wanted to hear ghost stories from the Nahanni, so I'll have to look up more of those. I like working at the school, despite the longer day. It's interesting and helps me work on my presentation skills which have come along way in the last year. We go back on monday.
Hopefully, people will be better for tomorrow, because we have a halloween party planned if we aren't still infected. I'm not sure what I'm going as, but I'm healthier so I want to get out.
Happy Halloween

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