Thursday, October 8, 2009

So we're still working on communication, but getting better at geting together. With everyone living so far away, it takes a bit of organization.
On tues. I did my first EAD on organic farming. Hendri, John, Danar and I all did it, and asked our work placement boss did a talk. We had it out in Bayfield where we work, which meant we didn't have to get into town. it also meant that we would be near our house so we deided to combine it with a potluck/bonfire thing. Lots of fun we went swimmming which was pretty cold, but even the Indoneasians went in. I'm sure pictures will make it to fb. Everyone brought a bunch of food, with a heavy focus on indonesian dishes, so spicy. Getting use to the spice though, which will benefit me when we get across the ocean.
On that note, probably a good idea to mention the earthquakes. Of the 3 only one was on the island where we will be going, Java, and most of the damage should be repaired by the time we get there. The quake on Sulawesi caused much more damage and killed a couple thousand people, it caused a lot more stir in the group. One our members is from the island but herr family is ok. A member of the Amherst group is from Padang, the center of the quake. His family is ok, but people are still dying. We are planning on putting together a fundraiser for the victims, a dinner of indonesian food coupled wih some cultural dances from both Antigonish and Indonesia. Not sure how much we'll raise but it makes a difference, hopefully.
Otherwise things have been going well here. Hard to believe that next week is Midproject, we'll be leaving town as a group for a couple days. This weekend is thanksgiving, I know we'll be having people here for dinner, but I'm hoping to see some family.

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