Monday, October 12, 2009

Most of my entries are pretty bare bones, mostly cause I try to sum up a week in a few paragraphs and there is actually a lot going on. On Friday a few people in the group went to taekwondo class, which I wasn't really thrilled about but since Hendri seemed psyched, I went along. There were about 8 of us, organized by another member of the group. I had planned to stay for a couple minutes than use the track outside to go for a run. But once everone was there and we got into it, we had a good time. I haven't had a chance to do much exercise oriented towards martial arts in awhile and being back in that environment was a good reminder of that. We all broke a sweat, and I got a few compliments on my form, which was kind of cheating as I didn't mention my experience. I have been running most days, even started doing sprints, but the sensei(?) worked us hard and all our bodies were aching afterward.
I had hoped that my brother would have come up this weekend but he's apparently gone camping. I haven't had a chance to see Antigonish after dark all that often, as we need supervisor approved drivers before we can go anywhere and I don't want to ask my host parents to drive me much past 10. However, I did get a visit from some family yesterday, my aunts Ann Marie, and Mary, along with my Grampie came up and took Hendri and I to lunch in town. The visit was very good, I think Hendri enjoyed meeting them and we got a chance to talk about a few things before I leave. They also brought up my computer which will ease some of the burden placed on the home comp. THey have high speed wireless and I don't have to feel to guilty about being on it often and facebook and skype seem to be additions for all the Indonesians. We can pretty much guarantee someone is on FB when we stop anywhere.
Tomrrow I have my second EAD, I am providing native oriented games, so I'll be bringing out some of the more accessible games from AWGs.
Today is Thanksgiving, so in the spirit, I am thankful for family and friends, old and new, who have helped me get here and remind me of home.
Love to everyone

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